Customising the Magnific Popup Lightbox in your Rails App
23 Sep 2013
For those not familiar with the term, a Lightbox is a javascript modal used to display previewed content front and centre.
Our Send A Script Rails App uses Lightboxes to show doctors' prescriptions sent from patients' iPhones to a pharmacy for pre-filling. These prescriptions can be tricky to read and can be sent from the iPhone upside-down when the photo is taken flat and the gyroscope loses its orientation.
What our Rails app needed was a Lightbox that allowed rotation of the doctor's prescription & expanded to fit the screen (responsive). I couldn't go past the stunning Magnific Popup, which had even been packaged in a gem for use with Rails' Asset Pipeline. The only thing missing was the ability to rotate images, so we built it. Here's how:
- Install the gem as per the GitHub documentation
- Apply the Javascript to the image element.
- Append a rotate button to the caption.
- Use the "open" callback to run javascript only when the Magnific Popup Lightbox is opened.
- Create a variable to store the angle of the image.
- Create a function to increment the variable by your desired angle & apply it to the image, upon clicking the rotate button.
$(document).ready(function() { // Begin Step 2
zoom: {
enabled: true,
duration: 300
image: {
verticalFit: true,
titleSrc: function(item) {
var caption = item.el.attr('title');
return caption + ' · <input type="button" value="Rotate" class="rotate" />'; // Step 3
}, // End Step 2
callbacks: {
open: function() { // Step 4
newangle = 0; // Begin Step 5
$('.rotate').click(function() {
function next() {
newangle += 90;
if (newangle >= 360) newangle = 0;
return newangle; // End Step 5
The result: